Sunday, June 6, 2010, Sunday, June 06, 2010
Happy holidays! Long time since i posted. Maybe like 2 months ago? No time, plus lazy post. I bet everyone is dying to read it lah! Haha. It's sunday alr, time really passes. 1st week of holidays gone, at least i have done some of my homework. Life has been good since my parents and sister went overseas. SO MUCH FREEDOM. HOW SHIOK. They're coming back in 3 days. I have 72 hours more of freedom. How sad. (mommy don't kill me if you read this). Woke up this morning. Nothing to do. Decided to play maple. Lvled like from lvl 25-30 in 2 hours. My sister played the 2nd hour. Awesome lah. Broke my old record of chiong-ing maple. LOL. Damn wuliao. I don't wanna play alr. So boring. Xavier is at my house now. He sleeping over for the night. We swapped phones. And i realised he sms a lot of GUYS. WOW!!! WOOT!~~~ He's reading this. GREAT. And the BESTEST BESTEST THING he could do, was to lock my iPhone for 1 hour. GOOD JOB. Practically and theoretically impossible but still, he did it. How retarded. He's crazy. Okay. Shall go "study" now. BYEBYE

Sunday, May 2, 2010, Sunday, May 02, 2010
IT'S SUNDAY, long weekend this week, but seems to past so fast. Recently no mood to blog alr, nothing to blog about to be exact. Had speech day on friday, half day. Morning came to sch earlier for morning training. Brought new balance shoes for running 2.4 too. Mr Chan just breifed us about his expectations of us this year, and told us is groud rules for morning training. After that, had pe, ran 2.4km. IMRPOVED TIME BY LIKE SO MUCH. From 1108 to 1011!! Yay. Aiming for under 10 minutes now. I CAN DO IT. LOL. Can't imagine xavier running 955. Quite impossible but well, he did it. Jealous me. Hehe. The weekends seem to pass so fast. Ytd night went to marina sands to look around. Unfortunately when we were there, i was asleep with blasting music, parents couldn't wake me up, then missed it. Then we went to some street with many dessert stalls for dessert. Had some delicious durian dessert. Really rich and nice. Ok, i'm gonna play basketball now, Byeeee!

Saturday, April 24, 2010, Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wah, long time no post alr. Competitions finally over, didn't get top 4, great disappointment lah. Anyway, these days trying to catch up on work. Screwed chinese, history, math and geog test this week, as usual, not enough time to study. Wednesday competition, thursday history and geog test, wtf. Thursday training, friday math and chinese test. The chinese test was seriously screwed, the whole thing was really difficult. Anw, everybody jia you ah! now time to spend more time with friends, relax, study and get my life back again.. Tuitions resuming and everything, piano preparing for some hotel performance. GOnna be really grand, shall play smth really nice. Its a oriental hotel @ town there sia. COOL. HIgh class place with loads of people. Can impress them. Kay. gtg. Goodnight to everybody!

Friday, April 2, 2010, Friday, April 02, 2010
HI~! Long time no post alr. It's saturday today. This week was really really really fun. :D Started wednesday, we pwned yuan ching by 39 points, awesome game, subs played, scored. Muhua got his first 2 points! Hahah. Xavier finally got his shooting touch, 2 3-pointers. AWESOME JOB. I scored 9 points. SCORE TALLY: Kyne-20,Chia chih-19,Brandon-20. Lol, chia chih damn imba, so many fouls, the referee really kayu. haiz nevermind anw. Then had the best e learning day ever, so fun. Only thing was that, we wanted to support netballers at rv, then walk damn long to find it, guard say we cant go in cuz we wearing slippers, really disappointed. Then GOOD FRIDAY. Went to watch movie with ryan they all. I like the movie. Great experience, even though i thought the 3D would be better. Hahah. But the tickets were all so out, so sad. This morning had BC. The topic was music. Then we studied this thing called Mozart effect. Its like by listening to his music, you become more intelligent. GOOGLE IT FOR MORE INFO. Damn cool lah. Imma start listening to mozart's music, so i can be more clever. LOL. Okay. Gtg, BYEBYE!

Thursday, March 25, 2010, Thursday, March 25, 2010
HIII!! Long time no post alr. Busy luh. This whole week training sia. Wah sian lah. So tiring. Yesterday was our 1st C Div match against Boon Lay. I think overall, we were very lucky. Luck was on our side luh. Like marvin, chia chih and i off form, at least got kyne and ryan, the 2 top scorers with 18 and 15 points respectively. Chia chih had 0, but his contributions made a big difference. JIA YOU CHIA CHIH! THen they had this no.8, quite qiang. He like almost every lay up all in one, plus he's so fast lah, non of us can keep up with him. Anw, he 3rd quater leg cramp. Then we own lo. they nobody score de, cuz the no.8 makes all the difference. Final score: Boon Lay-29 Nan Hua-47
Tomorrow match against Newtown, we'll do our very best. Good luck everyone! Jia you! WE'LL FIGHT TO THE WHISTLE SOUNDS!! FTW!

Monday, March 22, 2010, Monday, March 22, 2010
YO. Quite long nv post alr. Really busy, chiong-ing holiday homework. Believe it or not, i haven't done not even one bit of my chinese holiday homework lah! Sian. Today was quite slack, day passed quite fast. 1st period PE, ran quite a lot, no kick luh. OK I FORGOT POST ABOUT THE MOST EPIC THING THAT HAPPEN THIS MORNING. HOLY CRAP LA. Morning, as usual met kyne. Note that i told RICIA LOW to give me the card before assembly*.
OK. Here is the story: So, i was playing game on my iPhone. PLay play play. I was playing doodlefly, then suddenly extremely lucky keep tio power ups, then i play dao high score 41k++, damn awesome la. Wayne was my witness, and he saw every part of my score! I was just humchio abt it, THEN, OUTTA THE BLUE, RICIA LOW CALLED ME. I pick up, she SCOLD me somemore, what go take kyne's card. Wahlao eh, i told her before assembly alr right. okay, hung up, then went back to my game. NO DATA WAS SAVED. WTFFF...I JUST KEPT SCOLDING LA. WHATTHE. I WANTED TO WACK MYSELF. MY ONCE IN A LIFETIME HIGH SCORE, JUST BLING! GONNEEEE!!!AHHHHHH. Damn pissed.
Conclusion: Kyne's birthday was a disaster, FOR ME. BUt at least today i on form, scored much during training, lunch and recess matches.
kay gtg, C DIV FTW!

Thursday, March 18, 2010, Thursday, March 18, 2010
Okay, time to post. Today morning had chinese tuition, as usual, very tired, woke up earlier chiong homework. Then had training in sch, that damn ncc go take our court. Basketball court is for marching? GTFO LA. Ok. JOking. Anw, they at least gave us half court. It was raining really heavily, strong wind. Shot 34 3-points! HAHA. Competed with xavier. In the end draw. Good Game though. Then after that homework-ed with frida,ricia,jasmine they all. Marvin copied math and english, i did myself. FINALLY DID MY HOMEWORK. Argh, holidays pass so fast... TOmorrow's friday alr. NOOOOO.HOLIDAYSSS....AHHH. Okay. Im obssesed with the song dejavu by ss501. Keeps ringing in my head. Luckily wayne help my download high quality de.THANKS WAYNE! Okay, tomorrow having friendly against ping yi and east spring. Hope we can own. Sad to say, kyne can't play. DAMN HIM. If he doesn't play C Div, we might as well quit. Without him, our chances is decreased by half la pls. Okay. Sleep early! NIGHTNIGHT!(:

Hello, my name is paper and I am a piece of paper. My purpose is to have people write on me and to be printed by printers. I like the smell of muhua because it smells like trees. My ambition is to be thrown away and recycled.(RECYCLE MULAN)Heal the world, save the earth. Copyrighted to idk who.
Nothing I want in this world. LOL

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